Momma goes to Vegas Fall 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 04:47PM
Stephanie Lendecky

My hubby and I took off Friday and went to Vegas for a much needed, short getaway. We had a rough time getting there as Vegas doesn't normally get much rain, being in the desert and all, and the night we were arriving they were experiencing a rare thunderstorm that shut down the airport for 2 hours. We found ourselves stuck in Phoenix and then when we finally got there it took an hour to get our bags. My hubby made me promise that I would carry-on from here on out. Sorry hubbs.


Vegas is a favorite place for us. But maybe not all the same reasons as other people. Yes, my hubby loves to play poker and I love to shop, Vegas is great for both of course, but I also love to go there for many other reasons as well. Here is my personal list of why I heart Las Vegas and sitting here on the flight home already planning our trip.


#1 All time favorite place to people watch.


I LOVE to watch people anywhere I go but Vegas is the best. I look at clothes, styles, accessories, shoes, outfit combos....etc. I like watching them interact with who they are with and making up stories in my head about where they are from or what they are doing in Vegas. It's highly entertaining. Especially the outfits in Vegas. Ladies, if you wouldn't wear it at home then don't wear it in Vegas!! Leaving a little something to the imagination is always classier I say.


#2 The Food


I consider myself a foodie. I will read blogs, reviews, and obsess about which restaurants we should go try while we are in Vegas because the options are endless! This trip I made 3 good choices and 1 that was just ok. Here are my Vegas restaurant reviews:


Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar's


First off, Friday morning brunch for $21.99 is a wonderful value for Vegas. The service was impeccable and the choices on the buffet were endless. Foods from all over the world and loved the presentations of little things like mini-skillets of skirt steak and eggs or tiny fry baskets of tater tots. I don't know what it is about serving up yummy items in small fry baskets but I like it! The red velvet pancakes may have been the best part. They were cooking them fresh and serving straight off the griddle. I will be trolling Pinterest looking for a red velvet pancake recipe to make my own now!

Here is a picture of those yummy pancakes

Happy Hour at Sushi Roku-The Forum Shoppes at Caesar's


I had read about this sushi restaurant on several sites and that the happy hour was a great way to try some yummy sushi at a happy hour price. So once we finished at the Pawn Stars pawn Shop (keep reading and I will fill you in on THAT) we had the cab take us back to Caesar's just to try out this place and it was worth it. We sat at the bar with several locals (always a good sign) and took suggestions from the bartender and the girl that works for one of the hotels in PR that was sitting next to me, they did not steer us wrong.


The happy hour menu had many options including 2 Albacore sashimi's that were each distinctively different and beautifully delicious. Try them both!


Cut at Palazzo


For dinner Friday night I decided to try Cut. My hubby loves to find a good steak in Vegas and so do I. I had read multiple reviews and decided that Cut would be our Steakhouse of choice this trip.


We had reservations at 9:00 and when we arrived we were immediately seated. The restaurant was full but not too busy. We had a booth in the corner where we could see the entire restaurant which made this people watcher so happy but THEN they brought the wine menu. On a IPAD. Yes. The list was so extensive it was on an electronic device! My hubby laughed as I sat there looking so happy. He took this picture and posted what may be his 4th ever post to Facebook.


We ordered a bottle of Pinor Noir to accompany our steaks and then the chef brought by the meat for us to see. Amazing.


I mean that is just awesome.


So we split a butter lettuces salad with a champagne-herb vinaigrette, then Brian had a 20oz bone in rib eye and I had a petit cut filet mignon. We had those with sides of creamed spinach with fried organic egg and cavatappi pasta mac and cheese.


Here is a picture of my plate. Not that great of a picture but you get the idea!




The steaks were cooked perfectly. I mean melt in your mouth. YUMMY! Possibly the best steaks we have EVER had. We live in Texas. We have had some steaks. But these were AMAZING. We enjoyed every bite. The sides were wonderfully creamy and rich. Perfect matches to the meat. One of the best meals we have had in Vegas for sure. If you go to Vegas, don't miss Cut!


After we left Cut we went back to the Wynn where we were staying and went to Tryst. We danced like we are not parents to 4 children and we went to bed very late. I am not sure I should tell you all this but my hubby carried my high heels as we walked through the casino on the way back to our room that night. That is some tired dancing feet!


Saturday we woke up early for the Texas/OU game and before halftime went back to bed. That's all I will say about that.


Later I needed some greasy food, for reasons I am sure you all can guess, and so we found ourselves at a restaurant in Palazzo again called I Heart Burgers. It was good. But it would take one heck of a burger to impress me for $17 and it didn't really do that. BUT they had hot, salty French fries covered in chili and cheese and those hit the spot.


For dinner Saturday night we went to Sirio in Aria. Aria is one of the newer hotels in the City Center area. We hadn't tried a restaurant there so I thought we would but I was really disappointed. I order a Caprese salad to start, even with the $21 price tag. FOR A SALAD. Then they tell me they are out of the roasted peppers that come with that salad. I almost asked if I got a discount! But not wanting to look like a loser, I said ok and ended up with 3 hunks of mozzarella and 2 slices of tomato. OK fine. Bring my scallops that are $49.


They brought the scallops and those had a slice of parmesan cheese on them and served with mushrooms and like 2 artichokes. Scallops and mushrooms. Way too much of the same texture on the same plate. That was as much as my steak the night before and I couldn't even finish it.


Now I am not all about the $$$$ or we wouldn't even go to these restaurants but I am about value. Cut was a good value. We left full and satisfied. For the same money the next night, I was eating cocktail peanuts at the bar after dinner. That's not a good value.


But after dinner we did a little bar hopping.


#3 I love the cocktails in Vegas. The bartenders in Vegas take real pride in serving up a real drink. (now drink on the casino floor may not fall into this category)


One stop was the 23rd floor of the Mandarin Hotel. Gorgeous bar and fabulous views. Not too busy. We had a seat right by the windows to enjoy our cocktails.


Here was our view:


 Oh wait, that was my view :) My sexy husband!!

 Here was our view of the strip, beautiful!

Here was my gorgeous french martini:


From there we went over to the Cosmopolitan Hotel and the Chandelier Bar. I had heard that if you go to the second level of this bar you can order a cocktail called the fire breathing dragon. I had to try that!


So I ordered it up. It came in 2 glasses. one with some frozen raspberries and the other was the cocktail. It was fun to drink! The raspberries were frozen in dry ice so as soon as they hit my mouth there was smoke coming from my nose and mouth! My husband died laughing and so did I. I love that we laugh so much together by the way.


#4 I love seeing celebrities in Vegas


While in the cab line at our hotel Saturday night, my hubby and I saw someone in front of us and we were both awestruck. Now some of you might not be but if you are a fan, then you get it and we are HUGE fans of the office. We saw Darrel waiting for a cab with his family at our hotel! Before we could even get his attention and deliver one of our favorite lines of his to him, they were loading his family into 2 cabs and were on their way. I did make my hubby stalk the casino floor when we got back that night just in case they were hanging out gambling but alas, we did not see him. In case you are still wondering who that is, here is a picture:


We had a great time. Thanks for letting me share it with you! Viva Las Vegas!



Article originally appeared on The Gourmet Momma (
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