Monday, September 17, 2012 at 09:56PM
Stephanie Lendecky


I have a confession to make. I haven't blogged in about a month. Why? Because I didn't think I had anything worth saying. I didn't think that anything in my life was worth telling you, my readers of about 10, (thank you family), would want to hear.


Well I want to apologize. Not to you, but to myself!


I started this blog for me. To give myself an outlet and to practice writing words for others to read. In the hopes that someday, when I finally decide to finish one of the 4 books I have started, I will let you know first because you stuck it out with me. Even when I didn't think I had anything worth saying.


Thank you for being a reader. I promise to not pre-judge you in the future.

Here I am with my oldest son Brian at his 18th Birthday party. Ok Ok I guess maybe your baby turning 18 is worth writing about. And leaving for college...


Article originally appeared on The Gourmet Momma (
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