Friday, September 21, 2012 at 10:32AM
Stephanie Lendecky

We said good bye to Bevo this morning.  He was my husband's best friend for 12 years and my boys playmate for the past 4. He will be missed everyday by our family. I remember the first time I met him. I had come over to Brian's house and Bevo looked at me like, "Oh great, another woman trying to take my spot on this stinky couch." But he and I grew into a love/hate relationship over the years after we both realized that neither of us were going anywhere. I should have known he wasn't going anywhere, I mean, Brian's match profile name was Brianandbevo!

I am sure if Bevo could talk, he would tell some great stories of my husband's former single days.  Like trying to pick up ladies at the dog park! Bevo was a great wingman from what I hear. I would like to write more but the tears are falling again. Help me by posting a comment to my husband or a memory of Bevo if you have one. I will make sure he sees them. I think he and the boys would like that. Here are a few of my favorite Bevo pictures.

 Brian and Bevo were both so young here!

 Avery loved him very much

Shea had a special place in his heart for Bevo. One Christmas eve, Bevo had a seizure and didn't want to come inside. Shea put his coat on and laid in the grass beside him until he felt like coming in.

Bevo was keeping an eye on his new baby brother and the photographer that was taking the pictures!Bevo always found a way to get in on the action. 

Article originally appeared on The Gourmet Momma (
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