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I have a confession to make. I haven't blogged in about a month. Why? Because I didn't think I had anything worth saying. I didn't think that anything in my life was worth telling you, my readers of about 10, (thank you family), would want to hear.


Well I want to apologize. Not to you, but to myself!


I started this blog for me. To give myself an outlet and to practice writing words for others to read. In the hopes that someday, when I finally decide to finish one of the 4 books I have started, I will let you know first because you stuck it out with me. Even when I didn't think I had anything worth saying.


Thank you for being a reader. I promise to not pre-judge you in the future.

Here I am with my oldest son Brian at his 18th Birthday party. Ok Ok I guess maybe your baby turning 18 is worth writing about. And leaving for college...


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Reader Comments (3)

I Love that as a mom you share any story of the in and outs of motherhood. You never know what small thing you might have already experienced that will make someone else feel like they are not the ONLY person that this has happened to. I think that your son going off to college is a huge thing, and I still have 5yrs to go before mine hit that age but it is good to see that it did not end your life!! I am pretty sure I will hide in a suitcase!! LOL!! I love reading your blog, keep em coming!!

September 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJackie Rodriguez (cardenas)

What four books are u reading?

September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTammy

S. The following words are from my heart
"You are a admirable friend & sister of mine and one of the most adorable Mother that I have seen, (Not greater than my Mom)."

You have taught me a lot during my term of work indeed, I was admiring your doings.
For sure you will complete your books and then let me know which are they.
I am your "FAN"

September 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRoshan

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